Wednesday, 10 October 2018

How a product advertises - P1.

‘Deadpool 2’ is the product of choice.

Deadpool 2 advertises by posters, videos, real life visits to countries by greeting fans and members of the public and much more.

One example of this is where Ryan Reynolds visited South Korea to make an appearance in a tv show they have, this was called ‘King of Mask Singer’ a singing competition. Ryan Reynolds appeared in a unicorn mask and sung Tomorrow from the musical Annie. This created awareness of Deadpool 2 in South Korea because this popular show has now had Ryan Reynolds have an appearance to promote his new Deadpool 2 movie. This also introduced the Deadpool 2 product to the South Korean market by visiting and singing a song from the Deadpool 2 soundtrack. As a result, this creates an increase in sales in South Korea. Ryan has also allowed himself to rebrand the product because he has never advertised the previous Deadpool in any style like this, he essentially advertised Deadpool in a completely different way that allowed him to catch the attention of newer audiences.

Another way Deadpool 2 was advertised was by using a new character (Peter), as an advertising method. This was done by making him a LinkedIn and Twitter page of Peter, they advertised him as an X-force member since April whereas before he’s known as an Excalibur sales manager for 20 years. This allows for immersion into the film and makes the film more realistic and creates a USP by advertising newer characters like this, because superheroes without superpowers essentially make people feel like they can be heroes too. This gained extra attention because if someone stumbled upon one of these pages they may become curious what the X-force is and then find out about Deadpool 2 due to this. This method allowed Peter to be represented as a normal person who has no powers (which is true), but therefore hints to the idea that anyone can be heroes. Advertising on LinkedIn allows people who don’t read comics or haven’t seen the first movie as it makes them search up what the X-force is and as a result will be faced with Deadpool 2 and therefore, possibly want to watch the film.

The poster below is a joke poster that they made of other large movies but changed them, such as Booty and the Beast with the X-man Beast as The Beast and Deadpool as the Booty, not beauty. This is a nice play on words that gave viewers a nice laugh at the joke and was an easy way to give viewers a laugh and find enjoyment. This is a good marketing strategy because it’s Ryan Reynolds comparing his movie to others that are similar. In the first instalment of the Deadpool series, Deadpool is the beast and Vanessa is the beauty. Reynolds also jokes about Deadpool 1 being a romance comedy and as a result, using Beauty and the Beast is a good way to show this.

Image result for deadpool 2 beauty and the beast poster

Reynolds also tried to use pop culture celebrities to advertise Deadpool 2, this is shown by Reynolds (still in Deadpool’s costume) dressing as Bob Ross and badly painting to try and draw the Deadpool 2 cast including new faces such as Domino. This allows us to see the team and also is a nice joke as viewers will know who Bob Ross is and therefore, when noticing Deadpool as Bob Ross at the start of the video, will be interested and keep watching.

Finally, a fun way that Deadpool 2 was advertised was by doing a teaser trailer on Cable. But all the CGI wasn’t used yet. Therefore, the metal arm that Cable is meant to have is just a green sock on his arm. This is a nice joke at the film and points out how tedious it is for CGI to take place. This was finally finished up with Deadpool getting a cable action figure out of a play house and replacing all scenes in the trailer that contain Cable to be with the figure instead. This is also a way that editing is used in films as commonly, figurines are used in movies. This is a clever way that Reynolds shows that editing is used in films and TV.

In conclusion to all this advertising. Deadpool 2 took the box office with $301 million during their opening weekend. Whereas they spent around $5.45 million on the advertising alone. This proves that they were able to be successful on their advertising as their first weekend profit to advertising budget was 55 times the budget. This is only for the first weekend, meaning they had more to come too.

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