Wednesday, 20 March 2019

My video game questionnaire - P3.

Link to questionnaire:


My first question asked if the users were gamers, all of my responses were yes, meaning that all of my future answers will fit perfectly.

The second question asked the user for their age, I got two 17 year olds and three 18 year olds. This is good because it means that I know what my target audience like.

This response didn't affect me too much but it showed me what the main demographic for video games is and therefore, who I should target my game towards.

The fourth question was about how long the users spend playing games in total every week. I had times ranging from three hours to fifteen hours. This shows that some responders are more dedicated to the games than others.

This fifth question shows me what people play, although I am aware that two people forgot that this question was multiple choice and also play on the Nintendo Switch, and Phone. Also, another plays on the computer. This allows me to know what demographic of gamer to target once more because all platforms have a different variety of games.

The sixth question is about what genre of game all of these users play. I got two responses of RPG (One including the note of it being an open world RPG). Another response of Open world, an action/single player story games and a response of the user having no preference on genre. This shows me that I should aim to have the game be open world and in an RPG style. Similar to Dark Souls and God of War which I already am taking inspiration from.

The seventh question was how long does it take to play one game for it to get boring so that you must switch games for a while. I got Similar responses of it generally depending on the game, but usually three hours.

My eighth question was about the users favourite games, I got two Skyrim's, one God of War, one Prey and one person who has no specific choice. This shows that the idea for a medieval game is a good choice.

My ninth question was about asking if the users like open world games or constricted games. I got all responses for open world games and therefore, my game will definitely have aspects of an open world game.

My final question was about if the users prefer male or female protagonists and if they prefer them alone or in a group. I got people who didn't mind on the gender at all, therefore, I believe adding an option to make your character like in the Bethesda games would be a good idea. Also people didn't mind about having the protagonist in a group. Therefore, my game will have the character be assisted by the Greek and Norse gods at time too.

Overall, these results will have an effect on my game because some of these show me what people care about in their video games. It's made me see that I should make my game more free roam for the players as that seems to be a major point that I've gotten from this. Most other points that I can pull from this are points that my video game already uses, as a result my script would work perfectly.

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