Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Codes and Conventions of our horror movie - M3.

Most horror movies are based in places where the characters are unable to get help for example, A Nightmare on Elm Street: Their dreams. Friday the 13th, A summer camp. Horror movies also contain a specific danger, we may not be given one instantly, but this danger is apparent later in the horror movies. Most horror movies also contain the victim also failing to survive in obvious ways. For example in most movies such as scream, a character falls over trying to get away. This is similar to ours where the character stumbles in the long hallways when running away. Horror movies also contain tons of jump-scares/scares. This could be from rising tension or just sudden scares, such as in ours the character turns right to see a spirit in his face. Most horror movies also contain a death at the start, this sets the tone for the following parts of the movie and gives a reason for the movie to continue. This is like how my character dies within the first three minutes that our opening takes place in.

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