Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Report - M4, D1.


We used a variety of shots such as a close up shot when I was being dragged to get my expression and to show the struggle my character is going through. Then, in the talk between the two characters at the start (Lisa and Sam) we used over-the-shoulder shots and tracking shots as Sam enters the room. This shows importance and allows the audience to know that dialogue is happening between the two when they were both sat down with the over-the-shoulder shots.

Instead of using transitions we decided to use cuts. These were more effective for the style of editing that we wanted to use. This makes the scene much more sharper and sudden. It makes any jump scare that may happen seem more like a surprise as they're usually seen through cuts and not transitions. The idea of only using cuts allows the scares to be more surprising.

We chose the colours to be bright when it was based on the two friends talking about Simon being missing. This brightness also gives the viewer a false sense of security because they think the movie is friendly until it casually gets dark and darker as the scenes go by. The same goes for when Simon was outside with a slight hint of grey to suggest darkness and evil. But, there was a large amount of darkness when he entered to show that the place is rundown and hasn't been unused in a large amount of time. This gives the audience an idea that no one will be in the place so when my character (Simon) encounters two different characters he gets scared not only from their appearance and what they say, but that he's not alone. During editing I had to edit a large amount of colours such as at the starting scene with the two friends talking, one shot was drastically brighter than the other ones which meant we had to mess with the contrast and saturation within that scene. Later I had to edit scenes of me walking down the corridor so that some of the posters we didn't cover were not noticeable. Also so that when I entered specific rooms the lighting wasn't too bright, if the brightness is similar throughout this scene, the surprise of seeing Eve's character is less obvious. The darkness here also creates suspense and tension throughout the film. It also means no one can see what's far within the movie.

For the sound and music I went for an old fashioned basic music style. This gives more of an original feeling because most movies these days have complicated soundtracks and therefore, the music I added isn't as complicated to make the audience pay less attention on the music and more on the characters and movie. This allows the audience to get more associated to the characters and know them better as we get to understand who they are. Since I made all the music myself, the music is essentially copyright free and therefore, we met the criteria of the brief to make your own music and sounds. I made one point in the music where it has heavy beats, all these heavy beats create tension within the movie and prepares the viewers for something that is going to happen soon.

When planned the movie we had to take so many factors into consideration. This included with how we had to film on school grounds. This made it harder for us because we had to make sure that the area was similar to a horror based area. If we chose to base our movie in a school it'd be too generic as most other groups were working towards that idea. Although, we decided to use an insane asylum instead. When we started filming we faced a problem in filming inside the building, this is because there's so many posters in the school which are extremely bright and noticeable and tell the audience that this is a school. So what we decided to do for the scene where my character entered, we covered the posters and walls with newspapers. This created more of an abandoned effect, although was hard to put up as it was very time consuming. This allowed us to meet the criteria of the brief as we therefore.

Therefore, since the entire cast are British, the directors and producers are British, the movie is set in a school in Britain we got the main criteria of the BFI perfectly set. Production and crew being British is also a major part which since the entire team contains five characters who were apart of the crew that are all British we passed the BFI test and now just need funding to advertise our movie on TV and cinema.

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