Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Advertising Pitch (Script) - M2.

Welcome to the pitch for the Trespass advertising campaign.  We appreciate you taking the time to see us today.

Ideas that aren't going to be used.

A Website
One possible idea that we came up with was that we could have made a website to advertise on. We decided not to do this though because it needs to be maintained, needs money to keep it on the internet.  Furthermore, our research led us to feel that although useful, websites are no longer a truly effective way to advertise a horror film, with the IT movie being the only good example.   
We also see a flaw in this method of advertising because I believe that people must be aware of the website first, to make awareness of the website we must advertise the website which will, in turn advertise our movie. This feels rather counter-productive as we are therefore focusing on advertising a form of advertising for a movie.

Snapchat Filters
Another possible idea that we thought about was using snapchat filters. This has potential because it focuses a younger target audience and that is the target audience that our product is aimed towards. Although, one problem I see is that the filter can only be seen by people who activate the filters Snapcode to allow it to be used. If we make it so everyone can use it without a Snapcode, then we will have to pay, something that Snapchat charges £5 it to reach people within a 20,000 square foot radius of our location, which doesn’t feel cost effective. The United Kingdom is 2.61019 trillion feet squared, after doing calculations the price would come to £652,547,500 for the entirety of the UK. This means that we wouldn't be able to advertise very far for £5 meaning we will need to pay a large amount on a filter that may not even be used and therefore we wouldn't get much revenue.

Ideas that we will use.

Our trailers are going to show what the movie is about without spoiling key plot points and try to advertise tense moments without anything too big in the movie. This would be a good method because the most common form of movie advertisement is through Trailers. They don’t cost too much because we only need to edit the actual movie and then show small snippets of what was edited. This is a good method because it catches the attention of the viewer for a cheap price.

For a bigger depth of what our trailer will consist of, we plan on having the first one following the casual life of the first character we see, Simon, an aspiring journalist. We will see him taking photos of different places, writing about different places, making the whole trailer look normal, this would all be narrated by the character’s friends saying how it all changed when he ‘visited that place’ this will be shown at the end with a shot of Simon entering the run-down Asylum.

The second trailer would consist of more detail of what is happening inside the Asylum, this would be shown by the ending of the first trailer happening, followed by scenes that happen in the movie that are tense, full of suspense and attempts catch the viewers attention.

Both of these trailers would have a hashtag of #DoNotTrespass in the bottom left of the screen. This would allow us to get Notoriety on Twitter.

The posters
The posters would be a simple method of advertising because they're simplistic without giving anything away. Posters are left to be interpreted allowing anyone to assume what they mean. This is good because horror movies have so many meanings and can be interpreted in many different ways.

Another method of advertising at which we plan on using is through Spotify, this would be a sound only advertisement consisting of doors slamming, heavy and light footsteps, heavy breathing and screams. This would be an interesting method of advertising because I believe that I have only seen these two times before at which to most people this wouldn’t be heard of. The only problem I see is how this would promote the movie without any words. Unless we added a link, the user could click on while on Spotify. But I’m not sure that many people would actually click on the link. One idea for how we could do this is ending it with someone whispering #DoNotTrespass.

Reddit includes subreddits such as r/creepypasta at which we could post creepy pasta stories there and as a result, write snippets of the movie or creepy pasta stories similar to our movie, this could end with the hashtag of #DoNotTrespass or an ending of 'Find out more by watching the movie'.

We plan on using Twitter as a method of advertising because Twitter is a large social media platform at which people can start Hashtag trends at which will boost publicity, talking about things on Twitter is easy and therefore, once something has become noticed, it’s easy to be noticed more times. The main problem I see with this method is the beginning of the advertisement, we must get the Movie or advertisement noticed first for it to take off. Advertising on Twitter is very tedious because most people skip advertisements and one form of advertising on our Twitter is going to be stories, people generally go on Twitter and read something brief other than stories. No one has the time for reading on Twitter or doing want to give their time for it. If they do, then they’re in a niche and therefore, we will struggle to advertise through Twitter. The Hashtag that has been decided is #DoNotTrespass because it’s simple and relates to our movie Trespass.

Evaluation: Our overall price is around £200 due to Spotify being the only service that we must pay to advertise on here, as a result, we only ask for funding for this as everything else would be easier to advertise. 

Our advertising meets the codes and conventions of a horror movie because of the format of the advertising. The trailer will include snippets of the opening scene and other scenes, these are scenes full of darker colours as it gives a sense of mystery. It also allows the mood to be set. This is shown by how in movies such as Halloween, the movie is very dark and hard to see, this keeps the suspense high and makes the viewer want to see more.  This is what will happen to our movie just like our advertising for the trailer because it shows the viewers what they will get, the dark themes depict horror movies perfectly because it's what you'd expect from horror movies.
We met the codes and conventions of horror movies through the audio by having ominous sounds. This reels the user in because it makes them want to know what was happening. In the audio, there's foot steps, doors slamming and screaming. This would make a listener interested and therefore, want to find out more. Mystery is a large aspect to the horror genre because nothing is clear a large portion of the movies, such as: Who is the killer in scream, why does Jigsaw torture people, and what is leather faces mask made of. All of these become revealed later on just like our Spotify audio clip would.
For the twitter and Reddit, they would have creepy stories to try and reel in the user, they would feature rather horror based scenes such as something trying to be scary but also trying to be realistic.

Our advertising also has specific aesthetic purposes that were being aimed for such as: how all forms of advertisements would relate to each other by the #DoNotTrespass this gave the hope that any form of our advertisements would be linked to each other, all people who see one advertisement and look for the hashtag, can find it easily and creates publicity for us because it would allow one specific hashtag to trend from multiple products at once.

Price for Snapchat covering the entirety of the UK is: 2,610,190,000,000 / 20,000 = 130,509,500 x 5 = £652,547,500

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