Saturday, 9 February 2019

Created Media Components - P4.


The following post is the first trailer that was created. This includes pieces of the horror movie opening and also pieces of an interview with survivors. This was done by myself, Tom Evans and Tom Hodgetts. Due to myself being a character in the opening I decided to be the interviewer on this so that there's no evidence that I'm two characters. I decided for it to be short so that people don't skip it and so that it's simple.

Spotify Advert

This next form of advertisement is a Spotify advert, here I got Tom Evans and Tom Hodgetts to join me on making some simple sounds, these being screams, foot steps, and a door slam. The harder part to this was filming the foot steps because the microphone picked up the fabric on the floor as long as the feet hitting the floor so I had to edit two pieces together to get a pace on the foot steps from fast to slow.


The following is a story that I will post onto r/Creepypasta to get the movie noticed on Reddit. Like shown on the pitch, we will use other Reddit subreddits such as: r/LifeOfNorman (Make a story about an average guy, at the end his life changes when he comes to the asylum), r/ExplainLikeImFive (A simple explanation of the movie) and r/FanTheories (Fan theories of the movie that will start by us, hopefully continued by fans). A final subreddit that I found is r/DarkNorman (Dark stories of r/LifeOfNorman, this may be a better version for us). This range of subreddits and stories makes advertising easier because there's many more audiences that can be advertised towards.

Story for r/Creepypasta:
Hello, I am a journalist and I live an average life. Every day is the same, but this one day... This day is different. Today I am going to go to the Abandoned Mental Asylum by the far side of town. No one has been there since 1945... this place hasn't been touched since the war... this makes me think about the dastardly things that have taken place during the wars and what has been covered up. Therefore, I think it's time to find out more. Today all these secrets will be uncovered and there will be nothing left unknown.

Now's the time to find out what's happening at the Asylum. I'll keep you all updated as to what's happening when I arrive and while I'm there.

This place is freezing, I'm not too sure why but it's feels as though someone is watching me...

12:33 I'm hearing whispers down this corridor, I'm going to go investigate, I'll keep you all updated...


The poster was something that we created a long time ago. The poster is intended to be simplistic without giving any details away. There is also a plan to make more posters that can hint about what happens in the movie. Hints allow people to use r/FanTheories for the Reddit to try and make theories about the ideas.

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